Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"That's what SHE said."

I dont' think I did this public thing the way it said to, but I enlisted the help of my guru and she says I have now added "RSS feed buttons to my blog," so my blog should be accessible at this point. In the words of Michael Scott of the "Office", "That's what SHE said." Ok, and here are my thoughts on the template questions (easier than having to think myself; I've thought too much on this public thing).

1) What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?Well, I guess it is a positive thing to be able to get updates or have a one stop shopping place for all the sites I visit. I was amazed that the Boston Globe, which I visit a lot as a Red Sox fan, doesn't allow this kind of hookkup, but the Florida Times-Union does, at least for its columnists like Littlepage (actually Podcasts; gotta love those Littlepage podcasts). I enjoyed the exercise, but I doubt I'll use it all that much. I don't mind going to sites on an as needed basis. But I am glad to know that I can use this if I become more tech oriented as time goes by (the world seems to be moving me that way, alas).

2) How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?

I answered part of this above. I might use it as I become more tech oriented and find myself not having the time to go to sites, but Google makes it so easy to find sites I am not sure how valuable this is for me personally.

3)How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?

Frankly, I don't have a clear idea as to how libraries can use this. Well, maybe we can put a link on our website that tells people what RSS is and directs them how to go about getting a feed; sort of how we have links to all the e-mail providers. That might be a neat thing to do, come to think of it.

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